
(UNCOUNTABLE) (a sweet crystalline substance, including sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc., sucrose in crystalline or powdered form, a lump or spoonful of sugar. -sugar beet a variety of beet with a white root and high sugar content. Sugar is obtained from the sugar beet. -sugar cane a tall topical grass somewhat like bamboo the jointed stems of which yield a sweet juice which is made into syrup and sugar) ស្ករ
(វេជ្ជសាស្ត្រ) ស្ករ
Sugar beet ឆៃថាវស្ករ, sugar cane អំពៅ, sugar grower អ្នកធ្វើចម្ការអំពៅ, sugar house រោងធ្វើស្ករ, sugar trade ការលក់ដូរស្ករ
verbpast tense: sugared ; past participle: sugared ; present participle: sugaring ;
(INTRANSITIVE) (1. To form sugar. 2. To form granules; granulate. 3. To make sugar or syrup from sugar maple sap. Often used with off) ទៅជាស្ករ, ក្លាយទៅជាស្ករ
(TRANSITIVE) (To put sugar on, to make seem pleasant or less) ដាក់ស្ករ, បង់ស្ករ
Example: Make sweet by adding sugar, We talk of sugaring the pill when we combine bad news with something more comforting, a lump of sugar, sugar up reality.
  • barley sugar
    - ស្កស្រូវបាឡេ
  • blood sugar level
    - កំរិតជាតិស្ករក្នុងឈាមតាមសរសៃវែន
  • blood sugar ratio
    - ការពិសោធន៍ឈាមដើម្បីឲ្យដឹងថាមានស្ករចំនួនប៉ុន្មានក្នុងឈាម, អត្រាជាតិស្ករក្នុងឈាម
  • brown sugar
    - ស្កត្នោត ឬ ក្រហម
  • cane sugar
    - ស្ករអំពៅ
  • fruit sugar
    - ស្ករ (ក្នុងទឹកផ្លែឈើ)
  • palm sugar
    - ស្ករត្នោត
  • sugar cane
    - អំពៅ
  • sugar palm
    - (ដើម) ត្នោត
A sweet white (or brownish yellow) crystalline substance, of a sandy or granular consistency, obtained by crystallizing the evaporated juice of certain plants, as the sugar cane, sorghum, beet root, sugar maple, etc. It is used for seasoning and preserving many kinds of food and drink. Ordinary sugar is essentially sucrose.
By extension, anything resembling sugar in taste or appearance; as, sugar of lead (lead acetate), a poisonous white crystalline substance having a sweet taste.
Compliment or flattery used to disguise or render acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words.
verbpast tense: sugared ; past participle: sugared ; present participle: sugaring ;
(INTRANSITIVE) In making maple sugar, to complete the process of boiling down the sirup till it is thick enough to crystallize; to approach or reach the state of granulation; -- with the preposition off.
(TRANSITIVE) To impregnate, season, cover, or sprinkle with sugar; to mix sugar with.
(TRANSITIVE) To cover with soft words; to disguise by flattery; to compliment; to sweeten; as, to sugar reproof.