
Plural form of: smelt
noun — Plural: smelt, smelts
(Any of various small silvery marine and freshwater food fishes of the family Osmeridae, found in cold waters of the Northern Hemisphere, especially Osmerus mordax of North America and O. eperlanus of Europe) ត្រីម៉្យាង (ស្រដៀងត្រីចង្វា)
verbpast tense: smelted ; past participle: smelted ; present participle: smelting ;
(TRANSITIVE) (to heat and melt (ore) so as to obtain the metal it contains, to obtain (metal) in this way) រំលាយ (លោហធាតុ)
Example: The kitchen smelt of spice.
noun — Plural: smelt, smelts
Any one of numerous species of small silvery salmonoid fishes of the genus Osmerus and allied genera, which ascend rivers to spawn, and sometimes become landlocked in lakes. They are esteemed as food, and have a peculiar odor and taste.
verbpast tense: smelted ; past participle: smelted ; present participle: smelting ;
(INTRANSITIVE) To melt or fuse, as, ore, for the purpose of separating and refining the metal; hence, to reduce; to refine; to flux or scorify; as, to smelt tin.
A gull, a simpleton