adores is a form of:
- 1.
- (Confused mass, a jumbled confused condition, knot of raveled threads, hair) a tangle of rope ការជំពាក់ជំពិន
Example: To tangle yam, My mind was in a tangle, tangled affair, a traffic tangle. finances are in a tangle ការច្របូកច្របល់ - 2.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) ស្ថានភាពច្របូកច្របល់, ការជំពាក់វាក់វិន
verb — past tense: tangled ; past participle: tangled ; present participle: tangling ;
- 1.
- (INTRANSITIVE) (1. To be or become entangled. 2. Informal. To enter into argument, dispute, or conflict: tangled with the law) lines tangle ប្រទាក់ឬជំពាក់គ្នា
- 2.
- ជំពាក់វាក់វិនក្នុងជំលោះ ឬការវាយតប់ជំពាក់ជំពិន
- 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) ~ (something) (up) (to hinder, to obstruct, to make confused, to become tangled, to twist and knot in a snarl) ធ្វើអោយប្រទាក់ជំពាក់គ្នា
- 1.
- Any large blackish seaweed, especially the Laminaria saccharina.
- 2.
- A knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged; a snarl; as, hair or yarn in tangles; a tangle of vines and briers. Used also figuratively.
- 3.
- An instrument consisting essentially of an iron bar to which are attached swabs, or bundles of frayed rope, or other similar substances, -- used to capture starfishes, sea urchins, and other similar creatures living at the bottom of the sea.
verb — past tense: tangled ; past participle: tangled ; present participle: tangling ;
- 1.
- To unite or knit together confusedly; to interweave or interlock, as threads, so as to make it difficult to unravel the knot; to entangle; to ravel.
- 2.
- To involve; to insnare; to entrap; as, to be tangled in lies.
- 3.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To be entangled or united confusedly; to get in a tangle.