dips is a form of:
- 1.
- ~ (to somebody / something) (for something) (a sign or gesture giving information or a command, an act or event that immediately produces a general reaction, a sign given by gesture, a device, etc., to convey a direction, warning, etc., a device providing such a sign. -Signal code code of signal. -signal fire fire shot into the air to give signal of something) សញ្ញា, ភិនភាគ, សញ្ញាសំគាល់, សញ្ញាប្រាប់លក្ខណៈរូប
Example: A green traffic light is the go Signal, The policeman signaled the driver to slowdown, traffic signals. make a signal សញ្ញាណ, radio signal is weak អសីនីពល, signal fine ភ្លើងសញ្ញា
- 1.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) សំខាន់, គួរអោយកត់សំគាល់
- 2.
- (Notably out of the ordinary: a signal feat) ដែលសំខាន់ណាស់
Example: She flashed the torch as a signal.
verb — past tense: signaled ; past participle: signaled ; present participle: signaling ; 3rd person singular present signals
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (1. To make a signal to: I signaled the driver to proceed. 2. To relate or make known by signals: They have signaled their willingness to negotiate. To make a signal or signals) signal a ផ្ញើ (ដោយសញ្ញា), signal aship អោយសញ្ញា
- 1.
- A sign made for the purpose of giving notice to a person of some occurence, command, or danger; also, a sign, event, or watchword, which has been agreed upon as the occasion of concerted action.
- 2.
- A token; an indication; a foreshadowing; a sign.
- 1.
- Noticeable; distinguished from what is ordinary; eminent; remarkable; memorable; as, a signal exploit; a signal service; a signal act of benevolence.
- 2.
- Of or pertaining to signals, or the use of signals in conveying information; as, a signal flag or officer.
verb — past tense: signaled ; past participle: signaled ; present participle: signaling ; 3rd person singular present signals
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To communicate by signals; as, to signal orders.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To notify by a signals; to make a signal or signals to; as, to signal a fleet to anchor.
- 1.
- alarm, beacon, call, flag, impulse, warning, wave
- 1.
- calm, inactivity, quiet, security