dries is a form of:
- 1.
- (having reached full growth or development, having or showing fully developed mental powers, full grown, ripe, due) ដែលទុំ, ដល់កំណត់ពេល (ដែលត្រូវសងបំណុល ឬដែលកំណត់ក្នុងកិច្ចសន្យា), mature adult ដែលពេញវ័យ, mature attitude នៃចាស់ទុំ, mature plans ដែលសម្រេច, mature insurance policy ដែលគ្រប់រយៈពេល
Example: He's not mature enough to be given too much responsibility. - 2.
- ពេញលក្ខណៈ, ពេញវ័យ, ចាស់ទុំ, ដែលដល់កំណត់ពេលសងពេញនិយម bills which mature in three week វិក័យបត្រ័ដល់ពេលត្រូវបង់រយៈពេលបីសប្តាហ៍ទៀត
- 3.
- (វេជ្ជសាស្ត្រ) ទុំ, ពេញវ័យ, គំនិតចាស់
verb — past tense: matured ; past participle: matured ; present participle: maturing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (To make or be come mature) ធ្វើអោយមានមាយាទចាស់ទុំ
Example: When a kitten is mature, it is called a cat, Most mammals mature faster than human beings, a mature mind, A green peach is not mature. - 2.
- ដល់កំណត់ពេលទុំជោរ, វិវឌ្ឍន៍ពេញទំហឹង, មានលក្ខណៈសុក្រឹត
- 3.
- (INTRANSITIVE) Children mature ពេញវ័យឡើង, students mature មានគំនិតចាស់ទុំឡើង, debts mature ដល់ពេលកំណត់
Example: Her character matured during these years.
- 1.
- Brought by natural process to completeness of growth and development; fitted by growth and development for any function, action, or state, appropriate to its kind; full-grown; ripe.
- 2.
- Completely worked out; fully digested or prepared; ready for action; made ready for destined application or use; perfected; as, a mature plan.
- 3.
- Come to, or in a state of, completed suppuration.
verb — past tense: matured ; past participle: matured ; present participle: maturing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To bring or hasten to maturity; to promote ripeness in; to ripen; to complete; as, to mature one's plans.
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To advance toward maturity; to become ripe; as, wine matures by age; the judgment matures by age and experience.
- 3.
- (INTRANSITIVE) Hence, to become due, as a note.
- 1.
- Of or pertaining to a condition of full development; as, a man of mature years.
- 1.
- adult, aged, complete, consummate, cultivated, developed, finished, full grown, matured, mellow, old, ready, ripe, sophisticated
- 2.
- age, culminate, develop, grow, mellow, perfect, ripen, season
- 1.
- crude, green, immature, raw, undeveloped