helps is a form of:
- 1.
- (a country house for use in certain seasons, the main building of a camp or resort, the members or meeting place of a branch of a society, the den of certain animals, esp. beavers, the hut or tent of an American Indian) មណ្ឌល, ផ្ទះតូច, បន្ទប់, ខណ្ឌ (ក្នុងរោង ល្ខោន, រោងកុន), កន្លែងស្រួល (សម្រាប់មើលអ្វីមួយ), បន្ទប់ស្លៀកពាក់ (សម្រាប់តួល្ខោន), mountain lodge ផ្ទះសម្រាប់មកនៅមួយដងមួយកាល, guest lodge ផ្ទះសំណាក់ lodge of a society អាគារ (របស់សមាគម)
Example: The prince had a hunting lodge in the mountains. - 2.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) ផ្ទះសម្រាប់មកនៅមួយដងមួយកាល, ផ្ទះសំនាក់ អាគារ (របស់សហគម)
verb — past tense: lodged ; past participle: lodged ; present participle: lodging ;
- 1.
- សំនាក់ (នៅ)
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) (To live in a place for a time, to live, to come to rest) lodge in a hotel សំណាក់ (នៅ)
Example: A small lodge in the woods, We lodged in a boardinghouse for a week, A piece of steel lodged in my eye, to board and lodge you, lodge a blow on, lodge a complaint.lodge between the teeth នៅ, ជាប់នៅ (កន្លែងណាមួយ) - 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to house, to rent rooms to, to bring, to confer upon) lodge guests អោយសំចត, អោយសំណាក់ forests lodge wildlife ធ្វើជាជម្រក, lodge a complaint ប្ដឹង
- 1.
- A shelter in which one may rest; as: (a) A shed; a rude cabin; a hut; as, an Indian's lodge.
- 2.
- A small dwelling house, as for a gamekeeper or gatekeeper of an estate.
- 3.
- A den or cave.
- 4.
- The meeting room of an association; hence, the regularly constituted body of members which meets there; as, a masonic lodge.
- 5.
- The chamber of an abbot, prior, or head of a college.
- 6.
- A collection of objects lodged together.
- 7.
- A family of North American Indians, or the persons who usually occupy an Indian lodge, -- as a unit of enumeration, reckoned from four to six persons; as, the tribe consists of about two hundred lodges, that is, of about a thousand individuals.
- 8.
- The space at the mouth of a level next the shaft, widened to permit wagons to pass, or ore to be deposited for hoisting; -- called also platt.
verb — past tense: lodged ; past participle: lodged ; present participle: lodging ;
- 1.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To rest or remain a lodge house, or other shelter; to rest; to stay; to abide; esp., to sleep at night; as, to lodge in York Street.
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To fall or lie down, as grass or grain, when overgrown or beaten down by the wind.
- 3.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To come to a rest; to stop and remain; as, the bullet lodged in the bark of a tree.
- 4.
- To give shelter or rest to; especially, to furnish a sleeping place for; to harbor; to shelter; hence, to receive; to hold.
- 5.
- To drive to shelter; to track to covert.
- 6.
- To deposit for keeping or preservation; as, the men lodged their arms in the arsenal.
- 7.
- To cause to stop or rest in; to implant.
- 8.
- To lay down; to prostrate.
- 1.
- cabin, chalet, cottage, hostel, house, inn, resort, shelter
- 2.
- association, brotherhood, club, society