coper is a form of:
- 1.
- (A bright sparkling light, brihance) ពន្លឺព្រាចៗ
Example: The snow glitters in the sunlight, Her diamonds glittered.
verb — past tense: glittered ; past participle: glittered ; present participle: glittering ;
- 1.
- (INTRANSITIVE) ~ (with something) (to shine with a sparkling, to shine with bright quivering light, to sparkle, to sparkle, to be showy and attractive) ភ្លឺផ្លេកៗ, ព្រាយពន្លឺ, បញ្ចេញពន្លឺឲ្យឃើញ, ភ្លឺរញ្ចាច, ព្រាចៗ (ដូចពេជ្រ ។ល។)
- 1.
- A bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy; as, the glitter of arms; the glitter of royal equipage.
verb — past tense: glittered ; past participle: glittered ; present participle: glittering ;
- 1.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To sparkle with light; to shine with a brilliant and broken light or showy luster; to gleam; as, a glittering sword.
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive; as, the glittering scenes of a court.