faults is a form of:
- 1.
- គ្រឿងតុបតែង
verb — past tense: garnished ; past participle: garnished ; present participle: garnishing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to decorate, to embellish, to ornament, to make food attractive or appetizing) ផ្គត់ផ្គង់របស់ចាំបាច់, តែងលំអរ, តាក់តែងដោយតុទូ, ទ្រាប់, ថែមឲ្យ, បំពេញ, តុបតែង
- 1.
- Something added for embellishment; decoration; ornament; also, dress; garments, especially such as are showy or decorated.
- 2.
- Something set round or upon a dish as an embellishment.
- 3.
- A fee; specifically, in English jails, formerly an unauthorized fee demanded by the old prisoners of a newcomer.
verb — past tense: garnished ; past participle: garnished ; present participle: garnishing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To ornament, as a dish, with something laid about it; as, a dish garnished with parsley.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To decorate with ornamental appendages; to set off; to adorn; to embellish.
- 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) To fit with fetters.
- 4.
- (TRANSITIVE) To warn by garnishment; to give notice to; to garnishee.
- 1.
- adorn, deck, decorate, embellish, enrich, ornament, trim
- 1.
- debase, defame, expose, strip, uncover
- 1.
- To furnish, to supply
- 2.
- Fetters