upholders is a form of:
- 1.
- (FIGURATIVE) ធ្វើឲ្យព្រួយ, ធ្វើឲ្យខ្វល់, តប់ប្រមល់ Problems worry him. ធ្វើអោយខ្វល់, ធ្វើអោយពិបាកចិត្ដ, worry a cat ឆាឆៅ, ធ្វើអោយរំខាន
Example: Don't worry if you can't finish it.
noun — Plural: Worries
- 1.
- (a troubled state of mind, anxiety, something that. causes anxiety. -worry along (worry through) to progress or succeed by constant effort. -worry wart one who tend worries habitually arid rather unnecessarily) ការអផ្សុក, ការធុញទ្រាន់
- 2.
- ការបារម្ភ, មូលហេតុនាំអោយបារម្ភ, បញ្ហាទទួលខុសត្រូវ
- 3.
- (PLURAL) បញ្ហា
Example: have a lot of worry - 4.
- កង្វល់, សេចក្ដីបារម្ភ
Example: exhausted from worry - 5.
- សេចក្ដីព្រួយ
Example: Worry and illness had made him prematurely old. - 6.
- ការរំខាន
Example: Does the noise of my typewriter worry.
- 1.
- ខ្វល់
Example: worry over details - 2.
- បារម្ភ
Example: worry about one's daughter
verb — past tense: worried ; past participle: worried ; present participle: worrying ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) ធ្វើអោយបារម្ភ, ខ្ជះខ្ជាយ
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) (to be troublesome, to. to disturb the peace of mind of, to give way to anxiety, to seize with the teeth and shake or pull about, to annoy, to treat roughly, to be anxious, to manage to get difficulties) បារម្ភ, ទារុណកម្ម, ធ្វើឲ្យឈឺចាប់ខ្លាំង, អផ្សុក, ធុញទ្រាន់, ពិបាកចិត្ដ, នាំឲ្យរវល់, រំខាន, អំពល់, ព្រួយ, ធ្វើឲ្យជ្រួលខ្លាំង
- 3.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) បារម្ភ, ខ្វល់ខ្វាយ, ធ្វើអោយបារម្ភ, រំខាន, នាំអោយរំខាន
noun — Plural: Worries
- 1.
- A state of undue solicitude; a state of disturbance from care and anxiety; vexation; anxiety; fret; as, to be in a worry.
verb — past tense: worried ; past participle: worried ; present participle: worrying ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To harass by pursuit and barking; to attack repeatedly; also, to tear or mangle with the teeth.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To harass or beset with importunity, or with care an anxiety; to vex; to annoy; to torment; to tease; to fret; to trouble; to plague.
- 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) To harass with labor; to fatigue.
- 4.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To feel or express undue care and anxiety; to manifest disquietude or pain; to be fretful; to chafe; as, the child worries; the horse worries.
- 1.
- annoy, bother, disturb, gall harass, harry, haze, irritate, pain, persecute, tease, torment, trouble
- 2.
- care, chafe, fidget, fret, fume, fuss
- 3.
- anxiety, apprehension, concern, disquiet, tear, misgiving, trouble, uneasiness
- 1.
- comfort, console, solace
- 2.
- contentment, equanimity, peace, satisfaction