packs is a form of:
- 1.
- (a driving, a journey in a vehicle, a road, driveway, vigor, energy, an urge, a stroke made by driving in baseball, golf, etc., the transmission of power to machinery, energy, persistence, a psychological urge, a driveway) ជិះឡានដើរលេង
Example: drive a tractor.He has a lot of drive សេចក្ដីអង់អាច, cattle drive គំនៀង (ការគៀង) - 2.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) យុទ្ធការ, រន្ធថាស
- 1.
- ដែលធ្វើទៅបានដោយមិនបាច់ចេញពីឡាន
verb — past tense: Drove ; past participle: Driven ; present participle: Driving ; 3rd person singular present Drives
- 1.
- (INTRANSITIVE) (To advance violently, to try hard, to be driven, to operate) រត់, ល្បឿនរត់, ប្រណាំង, ដើរកាត់, ដើរគិតគូរ, ដំណើររកពេល, He likes to drive បើកឡាន drive a wedge between បំបែកអោយបែកបាក់គ្នារវាង ។ drive home (to) បញ្ជាក់ឲ្យដឹងយ៉ាងច្បាស់ drive into a corner បង្ខំទាល់ច្រក, ដែលពិបាកតបតដោយប្រសិទ្ធិភាព drive out of his mind wits ធ្វើអោយ (នរណាម្នាក់) ឡប់ឬឆ្គួត drive round the bend up the wall ធ្វើអោយឡប់ឬរំខាន
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) (To urge on, to guide the course of; to cause to work, to strike in, as a nail; to hit a ball with force, to push, send, or carry along; to operate (a vehicle or locomotive) and direct its course, to transport in a vehicle) បើកបរ, drive cattle គៀង (electricity) drives (the motor) ធ្វើអោយដើរវិល, drive someone to drink បណ្ដាល, ជំរុញ, What are you driving at? លោកចង់ថាម៉េច?
Example: Do you know how to drive a car? - 3.
- បង្ខំ, ជំរុញ
- 1.
- In various games, as tennis, cricket, etc., the act of player who drives the ball; the stroke or blow; the flight of the ball, etc., so driven.
- 2.
- A stroke from the tee, generally a full shot made with a driver; also, the distance covered by such a stroke.
- 3.
- An implement used for driving;
- 4.
- A tamping iron.
- 5.
- A cooper's hammer for driving on barrel hoops.
- 6.
- A wooden-headed golf club with a long shaft, for playing the longest strokes.
verb — past tense: Drove ; past participle: Driven ; present participle: Driving ; 3rd person singular present Drives
- 1.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To make a drive, or stroke from the tee.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) Specif., in various games, as tennis, baseball, etc., to propel (the ball) swiftly by a direct stroke or forcible throw.
- 1.
- coerce, compel, constrain, encourage, en force, force, hasten, impel, incite, induce, instigate, oblige, press, stimulate, urge
- 1.
- allure, convince, persuade, prevent
- 1.
- A mallet