infants is a form of:
noun — Plural: Businesses
- 1.
- (don't like the whole) business រឿង, រឿងរ៉ាវ
- 2.
- (official) business កិច្ចការ, កិច្ចធុរៈ, ធុរកិច្ច
- 3.
- ហាងជំនួញ
Example: He has a business. - 4.
- (go into) business ជំនួញ
- 5.
- (UNCOUNTABLE) (a task or duty, a thing one is concerned with, one usual occupation, a commercial firm, a rightful concern, a matter, activity, etc., the buying and selling of goods, a trade) study business ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម
- 6.
- (ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម) (UNCOUNTABLE) ជំនួញ, អាជីវកម្ម, កិច្ចការ, ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម, សហគ្រាស, ស្ថាប័នជំនួញ
- 1.
- (Of or for business, affairs or concerns, having to do with business) business trip ដែលទាក់ទងនឹងមុខរបរខ្លួន
Example: The grocery business, the people's quarrels are a lawyer's business, Here on business, The business before the meeting is.. business establishment ក្រុមហ៊ុន, business college ខាងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម
noun — Plural: Businesses
- 1.
- That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time; constant employment; regular occupation; as, the business of life; business before pleasure.
- 2.
- Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
- 3.
- Financial dealings; buying and selling; traffic in general; mercantile transactions.
- 4.
- That which one has to do or should do; special service, duty, or mission.
- 5.
- Affair; concern; matter; -- used in an indefinite sense, and modified by the connected words.
- 6.
- The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
- 7.
- Care; anxiety; diligence.