thaws is a form of:
- 1.
- (រាជវង្ស) ព្រះរៀម, ព្រះជេដ្ឋា
noun — Plural: Brethren, Brothers
- 1.
- (a son of the same parents as another person, a male lay person who is not a priest, a close friend like a brother. a fellow man, a fallow member or the same race, creed, etc) older brother បងប្រុស, brother of the sword full brothers បងប្អូនបង្កើត, half brother បងប្អូនប្រុសឪពុកឬម្ដាយជាមួយ, brother of an organization សមាជិកប្រុស
noun — Plural: Brethren, Brothers
- 1.
- A male person who has the same father and mother with another person, or who has one of them only. In the latter case he is more definitely called a half brother, or brother of the half blood.
- 2.
- One related or closely united to another by some common tie or interest, as of rank, profession, membership in a society, toil, suffering, etc.; -- used among judges, clergymen, monks, physicians, lawyers, professors of religion, etc.
- 3.
- One who, or that which, resembles another in distinctive qualities or traits of character.
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To make a brother of; to call or treat as a brother; to admit to a brotherhood.