reporters is a form of:
- 1.
- ~ (on something) (payment demanded in addition to the usual charge, an additional or excessive load, an over charge, a new face value overprinted on a postage stamp) តម្លៃពន្ធ ។ល។ ដាក់បន្ថែមពីលើ, បន្ទុកលើស, ទម្ងន់លើស, បន្ទុកលើស (ហួសកម្លាំងរឺហួសចំនួនប្រាក់), ពាក្យជ្រៀត, សរសេរត្រួត, ផ្ទុកធ្ងន់ពេក, ច្រើនពេក, ដាក់បន្ទុកធ្ងន់ពេក, រឺសរសេរត្រួត, អធិការករ, អាករពន្លើស, ពន្លើសអាករ, ដំឡើងអាករ
- 2.
- (ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម) ថ្លៃបន្ថែម
verb — past tense: surcharged ; past participle: surcharged ; present participle: surcharging ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to make additional charge; to overload or overburden) ដាក់បន្ថែមពីលើ
- 2.
- ដាក់បន្ថែមលើ
- 1.
- An overcharge; an excessive load or burden; a load greater than can well be borne.
- 2.
- The putting, by a commoner, of more beasts on the common than he has a right to.
- 3.
- The showing an omission, as in an account, for which credit ought to have been given.
- 4.
- A charge over the usual or legal rates.
- 5.
- Something printed or written on a postage stamp to give it a new legal effect, as a new valuation, a place, a date, etc.; also (Colloq.), a stamp with a surcharge.
verb — past tense: surcharged ; past participle: surcharged ; present participle: surcharging ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To overload; to overburden; to overmatch; to overcharge; as, to surcharge a beast or a ship; to surcharge a cannon.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To overstock; especially, to put more cattle into, as a common, than the person has a right to do, or more than the herbage will sustain. Blackstone.
- 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) To show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given.
- 4.
- (TRANSITIVE) To print or write a surcharge on (a postage stamp).