fins is a form of:
- 1.
- (Slight wound, mark, or sound made by sharp instrument, a spell of scratching, a line from which competitors start in a race when they receive no handicap. -from scratch from the very beginning, from nothing, without resources. -up to scratch up to standard, satisfactory, adequate) ស្នាមរលាត់ស្បែក, ឬខ្វាច, ឆ្នូត, ការឆូតលុប, លេខសូន្យ, ការសង្កៀត
Example: Scratch her face, Scratch the table, scratch out a word.a scratch on a fender ស្នាមឆ្កូត, a scratch on his hand ស្នាមរលាត់ hear a scratch សូរកកោសកកិត
- 1.
- (1. Done haphazardly or by chance. 2. Assembled hastily or at random. 3. Sports. Having no golf handicap) scratch paper នៃក្រដាសព្រាង
verb — past tense: scratched ; past participle: scratched ; present participle: scratching ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to mark or cut surface of slightly with something rough or pointed, to mark with scratches, to dig with claws or nails, to scrape with claws or fingernails, to make a scraping sound, to erase, to abrade, to scrape) scratch one's head អេះ, cats scratch people ក្រចៅ, briers scratch the legs ធ្វើអោយរលាត scratch out (a word) គូសចោល scratch a horse (from a race) ដកចេញ, យកចេញ (ពីការប្រណាំង)
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) (to use claws or nails in tearing, abrading, or shallow digging) wool pants scratch ចាក់, ធ្វើអោយស្កៀប
- 1.
- A break in the surface of a thing made by scratching, or by rubbing with anything pointed or rough; a slight wound, mark, furrow, or incision.
- 2.
- A line across the prize ring; up to which boxers are brought when they join fight; hence, test, trial, or proof of courage; as, to bring to the scratch; to come up to the scratch.
- 3.
- Minute, but tender and troublesome, excoriations, covered with scabs, upon the heels of horses which have been used where it is very wet or muddy.
- 4.
- A kind of wig covering only a portion of the head.
- 5.
- A shot which scores by chance and not as intended by the player; a fluke.
- 6.
- In various sports, the line from which the start is made, except in the case of contestants receiving a distance handicap.
- 1.
- Made, done, or happening by chance; arranged with little or no preparation; determined by circumstances; haphazard; as, a scratch team; a scratch crew for a boat race; a scratch shot in billiards.
verb — past tense: scratched ; past participle: scratched ; present participle: scratching ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To rub and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or ragged; to scrape, roughen, or wound slightly by drawing something pointed or rough across, as the claws, the nails, a pin, or the like.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To write or draw hastily or awkwardly.
- 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) To cancel by drawing one or more lines through, as the name of a candidate upon a ballot, or of a horse in a list; hence, to erase; to efface; -- often with out.
- 4.
- (TRANSITIVE) To dig or excavate with the claws; as, some animals scratch holes, in which they burrow.
- 5.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To use the claws or nails in tearing or in digging; to make scratches.
- 6.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To score, not by skillful play but by some fortunate chance of the game.