tribes is a form of:
- 1.
- (A systematic programmer for attaining some object, a diagram, a plan, design, or system to be followed in doing something, underhanded. plan, design, or system to be followed in doing something, underhanded, planned arrangement of color, design, system) បំណង, សេចក្ដីព្រាង, ការរៀបចំទុក scheme of action គ្រោងការណ៍, criminal scheme ការប្រើរហស្សូបាយ, color scheme ពណ៌ចម្រុះ
Example: A scheme for manufacturing paper from straw. - 2.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) ផែនការមានគម្រោងការ
verb — past tense: schemed ; past participle: schemed ; present participle: scheming ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (To plan, to contrive, to frame; to intrigue, to plot) ប្រើរហស្សូបាយ
Example: At the death of the old monarch the scepter passed to the crownprince.
Example: They are scheming to get her elected as leader.
- 1.
- A combination of things connected and adjusted by design; a system.
- 2.
- A plan or theory something to be done; a design; a project; as, to form a scheme.
- 3.
- Any lineal or mathematical diagram; an outline.
- 4.
- A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies for any moment or at a given event.
verb — past tense: schemed ; past participle: schemed ; present participle: scheming ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To make a scheme of; to plan; to design; to project; to plot.
- 2.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To form a scheme or schemes.
- 1.
- contrive, design, devise, outline, plan, plot, prepare, project, sketch
- 2.
- arrangement, artfulness, cabal, conspiracy, contrivance, cunning, design, diagram, intrigue, machination, outline, plan, planning, plotting, program, project, sketch, stratagem, system