cones is a form of:
- 1.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) ដាក់អោយនៅកណ្តាល
- 1.
- (Two or more slices of bread with a filling of meat, cheese, or other food placed between them) នំប៉័ងដាក់សាច់, នំប៉ូដាំង (សាច់ក្រក ជ្រូកលាយឈាមនិងខ្លាញ់)
- 2.
- (ENGLISH) នំសាន់វិច
verb — past tense: sandwiched ; past participle: sandwiched ; present participle: sandwiching ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to make into sandwich; to form of alternating layers of different nature; to insert or squeeze in between making alight fit. -sandwich man a man who walks the street with two signboards, hung form his shoulders in front and behind) ដាក់អោយនៅកណ្ដាល
- 1.
- Two pieces of bread and butter with a thin slice of meat, cheese, or the like, between them.
verb — past tense: sandwiched ; past participle: sandwiched ; present participle: sandwiching ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To make into a sandwich; also, figuratively, to insert between portions of something dissimilar; to form of alternate parts or things, or alternating layers of a different nature; to interlard.