ears is a form of:
Same as: pouchnoun
- 1.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) តំបន់ឬក្រុមមនុស្សដឬលនៅដាច់ឆ្ងាយពីគេ ហោប៉ៅ
verb — past tense: pocketed ; past participle: pocketed ; present participle: pocketing ;
- 1.
- បញ្ជូនទៅយកជារបស់ខ្លួន
- 1.
- A socket for receiving the foot of a post, stake, etc.
- 2.
- A bag or pouch; especially; a small bag inserted in a garment for carrying small articles, particularly money; hence, figuratively, money; wealth.
- 3.
- One of several bags attached to a billiard table, into which the balls are driven.
- 4.
- A large bag or sack used in packing various articles, as ginger, hops, cowries, etc.
- 5.
- A hole or space covered by a movable piece of board, as in a floor, boxing, partitions, or the like.
- 6.
- A cavity in a rock containing a nugget of gold, or other mineral; a small body of ore contained in such a cavity.
- 7.
- A hole containing water.
- 8.
- A strip of canvas, sewn upon a sail so that a batten or a light spar can placed in the interspace.
- 9.
- Any hollow place suggestive of a pocket in form or use;
- 10.
- A bin for storing coal, grain, etc.
- 11.
- A bight on a lee shore.
verb — past tense: pocketed ; past participle: pocketed ; present participle: pocketing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To put, or conceal, in the pocket; as, to pocket the change.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To take clandestinely or fraudulently.