votes is a form of:
- 1.
- (ច្បាប់) ជជែកតវ៉ាក្តី, ឆ្លើយតបគូក្តី
Example: To make any pleading. - 2.
- (ច្បាប់) ឆ្លើយតបទៅនិងបណ្តឹង
Example: To answer plaintiff's common law declaration.
ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងបណ្តឹងតាមច្បាប់កំម៉នល័ររបស់ដើមចោទ ។ - 3.
- (ច្បាប់) ឆ្លើយតបបទចោទ
Example: In criminal law, to answer to the charge, either admitting or denying guilt.
ឧទាហរណ៍៖ ក្នុងច្បាប់ព្រហ្មទណ្ឌគឺឆ្លើយចំពោះបទចោទប្រកាន់ដោយឆ្លើយទទួលពិរុន្ធភាពឬបដិសេធពិរុទ្ធភាព ។
verb — past tense: Pled/Pleaded ; past participle: Pled/Pleaded ; present participle: Pleading ; 3rd person singular present Pleads
- 1.
- (ច្បាប់) ឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹតបណ្តឹង (ឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹង បណ្តឹងតាមច្បាប់សាមញ្ញរបស់ដើមចោទ)
verb — past tense: Pled/Pleaded ; past participle: Pled/Pleaded ; present participle: Pleading ; 3rd person singular present Pleads
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To argue in support of a claim, or in defense against the claim of another; to urge reasons for or against a thing; to attempt to persuade one by argument or supplication; to speak by way of persuasion; as, to plead for the life of a criminal; to plead with a judge or with a father.
- 2.
- (TRANSITIVE) To present an answer, by allegation of fact, to the declaration of a plaintiff; to deny the plaintiff's declaration and demand, or to allege facts which show that ought not to recover in the suit; in a less strict sense, to make an allegation of fact in a cause; to carry on the allegations of the respective parties in a cause; to carry on a suit or plea.
- 3.
- (TRANSITIVE) To discuss, defend, and attempt to maintain by arguments or reasons presented to a tribunal or person having uthority to determine; to argue at the bar; as, to plead a cause before a court or jury.
- 4.
- (TRANSITIVE) To allege or cite in a legal plea or defense, or for repelling a demand in law; to answer to an indictment; as, to plead usury; to plead statute of limitations; to plead not guilty.
- 5.
- (TRANSITIVE) To allege or adduce in proof, support, or vendication; to offer in excuse; as, the law of nations may be pleaded in favor of the rights of ambassadors.
- 1.
- To contend, to struggle