hardships is a form of:


noun — Plural: Necessities
~ (of for something) ~ (to do something) (something needed; something one cannot get along without, situation or occasion that calls for help, extreme poverty; lack of things needed for life, a compelling force or need. -of necessity unavoidably, as an inevitable result) ការចាំបាច់, ការខានមិនបាន, ការចៀសមិនរួច, របស់ចាំបាច់, អ្វីៗដែលគេទប់មិនបាន, ត្រូវការ
Example: Food and drink are necessities of life, physical necessity, necessity and freedom, in case of necessity. water is a necessity វត្ថុចាំបាច់ under the necessity of មានការចាំបាច់ត្រូវបង្គាប់ (usually plural) buy some necessity របស់ត្រូវការ, necessity is the necessity of invention សេចក្ដីត្រូវការ, necessity of a decision ការចាំបាច់
Example: Many of the things we regarded as luxuries only a few years ago are necessities today.
(ច្បាប់) ភាពចាំបាច់ដាច់ខាត
Example: An imminent and unavoidable danger to a person, not caused by that person, which gives him or her no acceptable choice but to commit an act which would otherwise be a crime and which may excuse that person from criminal liability.
ឧទាហរណ៍៖ គ្រោះថ្នាក់ដែលហៀបនឹងកើតឡើង​ហើយដែលមិនអាចចៀសវាងបាន ដែលត្រូវធ្លាក់មកលើចាវិ​ហើយដូច្នេះចារីមិនអាចទប់ខ្លួនមិនប្រព្រឹត្តបទល្មើសបាន​ហើយគ្រោះថ្នាក់នោះទៀតសោតចេះទេមានទៅដោយមិនចេញពីឆន្ទៈផ្ទាល់របស់ចរី ។ ម៉្យាងវិញទៀត​មិនមែនចារីខ្លួនឯងជាអ្នកបង្កើត​ឬជាអ្នកបណ្តាលអោយមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់នោះទេ ។
(បច្ចេកទេស) ភាពចាំបាច់, វត្ថុចាំបាច់
noun — Plural: Necessities
The quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite; inevitableness; indispensableness.
The condition of being needy or necessitous; pressing need; indigence; want.
That which is necessary; a necessary; a requisite; something indispensable; -- often in the plural.
That which makes an act or an event unavoidable; irresistible force; overruling power; compulsion, physical or moral; fate; fatality.
The negation of freedom in voluntary action; the subjection of all phenomena, whether material or spiritual, to inevitable causation; necessitarianism.
compulsion, demand, exigency, fundamental, need, qualification, requisite, want
choice, freedom, luxury, option, uncertainty