hogs is a form of:

Direct line

(ច្បាប់) ខ្សែផ្ទាល់
Example: Blood relationship that comes in a line ; as between a person and his father, grandfather, and so upward ; or between that person and his son, grandson, and so downward. See collateral line or collateral consanguinity. See Collateral line. See Lineal consanguinity.
ឧទាហរណ៍៖ សាច់លោហិត​ដែលចេញមកពីខ្សែមួយ ដូចជារវាងមនុស្សម្នាក់និងឪពុក ជីតារបស់គេ និង​ខ្សែឡើង​លើទៅទៀតឬរវាងមនុស្សនោះនិងកូន និង​ខ្សែចុះបន្តទៅទៀត ។