molds is a form of:


verbpast tense: Brought ; past participle: Brought ; present participle: Bringing ; 3rd person singular present Brings
(TRANSITIVE) ~ somebody / something (with one) ~ something (for somebody) (to cause to come, to produce as profit or income, to result in, to sell for, to present in court, to advance (evidence) convey, conduct, cause, effect, inflict, persuade, induce, produce, make, induce) បញ្ចូល, បណ្ដាល, ផ្ដល់, ប្ដឹងតុលាការ, bring me that box យក, យកមក, bring a friend នាំមក, bring it to his notice ប្រាប់ឱ្យដឹង, can't bring myself to ខ្ញុំពិបាកនឹង,
Example: Bring him around to my point of view. សម្រេចឱ្យតាមយោបល់ខ្ញុំ, bring the patient around ធ្វើឱ្យអ្នកជម្ងឺស្រួលឡើងវិញ, bring forth (fruit) ផ្លែ, (What will the future) bring forth? នាំមក
(បច្ចេកទេស) នាំ, បណ្តាលអោយ
~ somebody in something ផ្តល់កម្រៃ, ប្រាក់ចំណេញ
(បច្ចេកទេស) ~ somebody in (on something) អនុញ្ញាតអោយចូលរួម
  • bring a cloth
    - សំពត់សម្រាប់ជូតអ្វីៗផ្សេងៗ
  • bring about
    - ធ្វើឱ្យមានឡើង, នាំមកនូវ
    - បណ្តាលអោយកើតឡើង
  • bring down
    - កាត់បន្ថយ
  • bring down the house
    - ធ្វើអោយសើចខ្លាំង
  • bring forward
    - បន្ថយកាលបរិច្ឆេទ, ស្នើប្រធានបទ ឬគំនិតសម្រាប់ពិភាក្សា, (គណនេយ្យ) លើកចំនួនសរុបចុងទំព័រមួយ ទៅដាក់ខាងលើទំព័របន្ទាប់
  • bring in
    - រកបាន, បានចំណូល
  • bring into frce
    - ចូលជាធរមានចាប់ប្រតិបត្តិ
  • bring into the world
    - ចាប់កំណើត
  • bring out
    - បង្កើតចេញថ្មី
  • bring peace to
    - នាំសន្តិភាពអោយដល់
  • bring pressure to bear on somebody
    - គាបសង្កត់អោយនណាម្នាក់ធ្វើអ្វីមួយ
  • bring somebody to book
    - ទាមទារអោយមានការពន្យល់ហេតុផលពីនរណាម្នាក់
  • bring something into question
    - ធ្វើអោយគេពិភាក្សា ឬពិចារណាលើបញ្ហាអ្វីមួយ
  • bring something to bear
    - អនុវត្តលើ, ធ្លាក់លើ
  • Bring suit
    - ប្តឹង, ដាក់ពាក្យបណ្តឹង
    - ប្ដឹង
  • bring to a boil
    - ដាំឱ្យពុះ
  • bring to account
    - យកមកឲ្យតុលាការជុំនុំជម្រះ
  • bring to book
    - ទាមទាអោយពន្យល់ហេតុផល
  • bring to swnses
    - បញ្ឈប់អំពើខុសឆ្គង, ដាស់អោយដឹងខ្លួន
  • bring to the hammer
    - យកមកលក់ដេញថ្លៃ
  • to bring lawsuit againt someone
    - ប្តឹង​អ្នកណាម្នាក់ឡើតុលាការ
  • to bring Parliament into contempt
    - បង្អាក់ដំណើរការសភា ឬប្រមាថសភា
  • to bring something up to date
    - បន្ថែមព័ត៌មានថ្មីបំផុតទៅអ្វីមួយ
verbpast tense: Brought ; past participle: Brought ; present participle: Bringing ; 3rd person singular present Brings
(TRANSITIVE) To convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be; to bear from a more distant to a nearer place; to fetch.
(TRANSITIVE) To cause the accession or obtaining of; to procure; to make to come; to produce; to draw to.
(TRANSITIVE) To convey; to move; to carry or conduct.
(TRANSITIVE) To persuade; to induce; to draw; to lead; to guide.
(TRANSITIVE) To produce in exchange; to sell for; to fetch; as, what does coal bring per ton?