cases is a form of:
- 1.
- (បច្ចេកទេស) វ៉ានីស (ថ្នាំលាបអោយភ្លឺរលោង)
- 2.
- (a preparation made of resinous substances dissolved in oil, etc., used to give when dry, a hard, smooth, glossy finish to wood, metal plastics, etc, surface made by varnish) ការវាយវែនីរអោយភ្លឺរលោង, វ៉ានីស (ថ្នាំលាបឈើម្យ៉ាង)
- 3.
- (FIGURATIVE) ការបោកប្រាស់ក្លែងបន្លំ
verb — past tense: varnished ; past participle: varnished ; present participle: varnishing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (To cover with varnish) វេរនី (ថ្នាំលាបអោយរលោង) ការពារអ្វីមួយកុំឲ្យខូចដោយធាតុអាកាស
Example: Father varnished the new bookcase he made, varnished car.varnish the table លាបវ៉ារនីស, varnish the truth កែធ្វើអោយប្រសើរឡើង
- 1.
- A viscid liquid, consisting of a solution of resinous matter in an oil or a volatile liquid, laid on work with a brush, or otherwise. When applied the varnish soon dries, either by evaporation or chemical action, and the resinous part forms thus a smooth, hard surface, with a beautiful gloss, capable of resisting, to a greater or less degree, the influences of air and moisture.
- 2.
- That which resembles varnish, either naturally or artificially; a glossy appearance.
- 3.
- An artificial covering to give a fair appearance to any act or conduct; outside show; gloss.
verb — past tense: varnished ; past participle: varnished ; present participle: varnishing ;
- 1.
- To lay varnish on; to cover with a liquid which produces, when dry, a hard, glossy surface; as, to varnish a table; to varnish a painting.
- 2.
- To cover or conceal with something that gives a fair appearance; to give a fair coloring to by words; to gloss over; to palliate; as, to varnish guilt.