salads is a form of:
- 1.
- (The act of snatching, a fragment, a bit, a brief period of time) កន្ដ្រាក
Example: To hatch a purse; to snatch at a chance to travel, The drowning boy snatched at the rope thrown to him, Father just read snatches of the book.take it with a snatch ការកញ្ឆក snatchs (of conversation) ត្រង់នេះ, treat them snatch មួយៗម្ដង, បន្ដិចត្រង់នោះបន្ដិច, work in snatches ធ្វើឈប់ៗ
verb — past tense: snatched ; past participle: snatched ; present participle: snatching ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to seize quickly or eagerly, to remove abruptly, to take hastily or while there is a chance, to kidnap) snatch the cheese កញ្ឆក snatch a chance ឆ្លៀត
- 1.
- A hasty catching or seizing; a grab; a catching at, or attempt to seize, suddenly.
- 2.
- A short period of vigorous action; as, a snatch at weeding after a shower.
- 3.
- A small piece, fragment, or quantity; a broken part; a scrap.
- 4.
- The handle of a scythe; a snead.
verb — past tense: snatched ; past participle: snatched ; present participle: snatching ;
- 1.
- To take or seize hastily, abruptly, or without permission or ceremony; as, to snatch a loaf or a kiss.
- 2.
- To seize and transport away; to rap.
- 3.
- (INTRANSITIVE) To attempt to seize something suddenly; to catch; -- often with at; as, to snatch at a rope.
- 1.
- grab, grasp, nab, pluck, seize, steal, swipe