woolens is a form of:
- 1.
- (COLLOQUIAL) Misplace a letter ច្រឡំដៃ (ដាក់)
Example: I've misplaced my dasses, they're not in my bag.
verb — past tense: misplaced ; past participle: misplaced ; present participle: misplacing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) (to put (a thing) in the wrong place, to place, unwisely) ផ្លាស់ភ្នាក់ងារ, បំបែ
Example: Her trust was not misplaced, I have misplaced the letter with his new address, to misplace a comma.misplace a comma ច្រឡំដាក់ misplace one's trust ទុកចិត្ដលើមនុស្សខុស
verb — past tense: misplaced ; past participle: misplaced ; present participle: misplacing ;
- 1.
- (TRANSITIVE) To put in a wrong place; to set or place on an improper or unworthy object; as, he misplaced his confidence.
- 1.
- confuse, displace, disturb, lose, mislay